GIS Workgroup Update – March 11, 2015

11 Mar

The Geographic Information System workgroup has been working on the following arenas:

  1. Centralized GIS environment is being finalized by technical staff under the guidance of the Chief Technology Officer, Mike Allison.
  2. GIS Desktop and ArcGIS online licenses are also being considered for centralization for the efficient use of licenses and possible cast savings.
  3. The Department of Transportation and Development started the Roads and Highway project that has a significant GIS component. The GIS workgroup is recommending to have the Road and Highways be the first application to be implemented in the proposed centralized GIS.
  4. The State Chief Information Officer, Richard “Dickie” Howze, has promulgated ESRI as the state GIS standard with the recommendation of a GIS council and a statewide GIS group. A contract is being reviewed by the Division of Administration’s legal section.
  5. A process to capture all GIS products used by all agencies under the authority of the Office of Technology services has been initiated for possible consolidation as an efficiency and cost savings measure.